Ionic Air Purifier

Air Purifier Ionic Pro – Clean Air in The Home

Ionic Pro Turbo – Ionic Air Purifier

Ionic Pro Turbo Air Purifier. Why Pay more for Clean Air? The Ionic Pro Turbo is affordable, quiet and cleans air 24 hours a day. This affordable Ionic Pro Air Purifier offers some the same benefits found in more expensive brands.

Ionic Pro

Ionic Pro - Ionic Air Purifier




Air Purifier offers the same benefits found in more expensive brands.

Ionic Pro features:
Traps airborne allergens like pollen, smoke, dust, and pet dander
Traps particles as small as 1 micron
Energy-efficient and inexpensive to operate
One unit recommended for rooms up to 500 square feet

The Ionic Pro® ionic air purifier traps irritants and allergens on three collection blades and then releases purified air back into the room. Safe and easy to use, Ionic Pro® will give your family the clean air they need to stay healthy.

The Ionic Pro® ionic air purifier circulates air without the use of loud and disruptive motors or fans and has no costly filters to replace. Simply remove the steel blade assembly and wipe clean with a damp cloth.

Cleaning the Indoor Air
Author: Greg Clark

Outdoor air contains everything from auto exhaust to industrial emissions, and in many of our larger cities, smog and ozone advisories are commonly reported on the news. However, recent studies by the Environmental Protection Agency indicate that indoor air is 3-5 times as dirty as the air outside. Many people do not realize that the air inside their homes and offices contains harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds), chemicals, allergens, bacteria, viruses and mold spores. These pollutants are responsible for the millions of allergy and asthma cases in America each year. Cleaning the air is mandatory if you want to breathe better and reduce (or eliminate) allergy symptoms. The most important factor when cleaning the air indoors is to remove any allergens that may be present.

This may involve replacing the carpet with hardwood flooring. Perhaps, your polyfoam-filled mattress needs to be replaced with a non-toxic, cotton or wool mattress. Household chemical-based cleaners should be replaced with brands that use natural ingredients that are not harmful to one’s health. A vacuum with a HEPA (High efficiency particulate air) filter is highly recommended as a means to clean the carpet, flooring and upholstery. The HEPA filter traps fine particulates (less than 0.3 microns) and prevents re-circulation back into the room environment. A HEPA air purifier uses a HEPA filter to trap airborne allergens down to the size of 3 microns in diameter.

This includes bacteria, viruses, dust, mold spores, pet dander, radon daughters, and other lung damaging particles. HEPA air purification is utilized in environments where the removal of submicron particulate matter from the indoor air is mandatory, including operating rooms, pharmaceutical labs, and computer chip manufacturing facilities. HEPA air purifiers are recommended by the CDC, Homeland Security, EPA and several other reputable organizations. An air purifier with activated carbon is a necessity if your environment contains gaseous odors, chemical vapors or tobacco smoke. Activated carbon contains small microscopic pores within the carbon to adsorb (trap) harmful gases or odors. Potassium iodide or zeolite can also be added to the carbon to remove a wider range of chemicals (ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene). It is important to purchase an air purifier that does not produce ozone and is certified by the IAACM (International Association of Air Cleaning Manufacturers). Many cheap ionizers (think television commercials) produce toxic ozone as a by-product. Consumers unknowingly purchase these machines without realizing they’re polluting the air inside of their home, thus endangering their health.


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