Pocket Chair Compact Camping Seat

Pocket Chair Compact Chair

The folding pocket chair that folds to fit in your pocket. Take it with you and always have your own seat.

pocket chair fits in your pocket

Take a seat anywhere with the amazing pocket chair a compact chair. It holds up to 250 lbs. Take the pocket chair with you when you go to the park, golfing, camping to the beach or gardening in your backyard.

Put a pocket chair in your pocket or put one in your hand bag, glove box, knapsack, golf bag, tackle box, gym bag, tool box, briefcase, lunchbox, backpack and anywhere else you can think of.

The convenient and compact chair that folds up and fits right in your pocket!
It’s a folding camp stool.A travel chair.An event stool.A collapsible seat.

The chair opens in a snap and is perfect for gardening, fishing, camping or any of those unexpected moments when you need to get off your feet! Compact and lightweight.

Never be without a seat again. A very handy chair. Get a free compact case to store your compact chair in.

Order Pocket Chair

Abdoer Twist Abs Chair

Abdoer Twist, twist your way into shape.

abdoer twist

Check out the new ab doer twist ab chair As Seen On TV.

The Abdoer Twist allows you to do”ABDOBICS”, a routine that targets all sides of your midsection, including your abdominals, obliques, and mid-to-lower back region. This is an excellent piece of equipment for muscle toning.

With the abdoer twist, in just minutes a day, you’ll experience a fun and exhilarating total-body workout while watching TV. The core support column and contoured armbars support you in the perfect position to achieve maximum results. Only the Abdoer Twist’s fitness equipment patented torsion-flex technology fires up muscles that other exercises can’t reach– your lower abs, upper abs, obliques, even your back– obliterating your love handles once and for all.

Twist, twist your abs into shape and get a nice back massage.

And the Abdoer Twist feels sensational. The foam roller gives you a revitalizing, therapeutic massage every time.

The Ab-Doer Twist’s Torsion-Flex know-how & 360-degree movement helps target muscles other workouts cannot reach. Rotate the arms upward & downward to tone the muscles in your shoulders, biceps, triceps, upper back, & chest. While sitting on the swivel-action seat, you can dial up the resistance to burn additional weight or tone your abs, legs, hamstrings, hips, buttocks, & obliques.

The Ab-Doer Twist product comes with an instructional DVD and three progressive workout DVDs: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. The special starter kit includes a quick-start guide, an Accelerated Results booklet, and a Healthy Eating Plan.

You’ll experience a fun and exhilarating total-body workout in just minutes a day. The core support column and contoured arm bars support you in the ideal position to accomplish maximum results. Only the Abdoer’s patented torsion-flex know-how fires up muscles that other exercises cannot reach– your lower abs, upper abs, obliques, even your back.

The Ab doer Twist is all-new technology. With a twisting seat to engage your abductors and adductors, which is your inner and outer thigh; your lower abs; your glutes, and body fitness all over.

Order Ab Doer Twist

Check Out This  Advanced Twisting Ab Seat Exerciser

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