Sub Zero Giant Flower Roses
Grow Ever Blooming Roses Month After Month. Get Stunning Flower Roses in the Harshest Conditions. These roses can survive in the most extreme conditions.
Check out these gorgeous colors of the sub zero giant roses:
Arctic Flame Red
Helen Hayes Yellow
Senior Prom Pink.
Enjoy Saucer Sized Blossoms from Summer to Frost!
Not only are these award-winning Hybrid Teas winter-hardy, but virtually immune to all rose issues, such as black spot & leaf mold. For huge outpourings of saucer-like blooms month after month, no other variety can compete with these spectacular Sub-Zero Roses!
Sub Zero Giant Roses flourish magnificently under the harshest conditions imaginable from the scorching desert heat to 15 degrees below freezing winter ice storms where other roses basically cannot survive.
Save time without constantly spraying, no special feeding, the occasional watering! Sizable saucer sized blossoms from summer to frost!
Sub Zero Giant Flower Roses Features:
The world’s hardiest, super-blooming roses
Sizable, stunning roses, month after month
Imagine saucer-sized blooms
Survives in the most extreme temperatures; from scorching desert heat to 15 degrees below zero