Total Gym GTS Professional Home Elite Gym

Total Gym GTS Provides a Full Body Workout

Total Gym GTS

The Total Gym GTS new exercise equipment provides a total body, a very intense workout in about 30 minutes without using additional accessories. It is effortless and quick to transition between different exercises, providing a fast-paced strength and cardio workout. It delivers eye-popping body-shaping results. It is a commercial-grade gym for your home. Total Gym GTS is also an award-winning piece of equipment anchored for gravity. It is a time-efficient, personal training, group fitness, and Pilates program that generates variety and excitement in commercial buildings worldwide.

Total Gym GTS recreates and strengthens how your body stores and delivers daily physical activities and those functions in your muscle memory. The home gym gives optimal functional fitness training experience; total Gym GTS can work for many muscle groups that challenge core stabilizers and proprioception. Do this by incorporating a free range of motion and multi-plane movement close to every exercise. This allows you to train more efficiently and productively. The impressive result is total body conditioning through the fitness continuum from early post-injury to high-performance training.

Total Gym is the home gym that also has its own Pilates Studio!

The inclined plane was designed with an incremental calibrated load adjustment,  dynamic arm cable, and rolling glide board system, making it easy to begin at your ability level and allowing the fitness specialist to create goal-specific training.

Get outstanding results at almost every entry-level, from the beginning exerciser to the elite fitness athlete; Total Gym usually serves more than twenty-four million customers with excellence in functionality and product design. The Total Gym brand is trusted to return desired results.

Total Gyms use a sliding seat platform and an adjustable bench that can increase resistance based on your body weight. It allows you to incorporate more strength training exercises into your workout.

A Total Gym fitness workout routine allows you to exercise almost every body part. This piece of exercise equipment incorporates the use of your body weight for much resistance. Total Gym fitness machine has been around for a long time. Its infomercial spokesperson usually features Chuck Norris. There are several different models within the Total Gym lineup of products with full-ranging prices. The Total Gym GTS is a new home elite model. A mighty exercise machine that will help you reach your fitness goals!

Buy The All New Total Gym GTS

Order the Total Gym GTS Elite Home Gym

Rockin Abs Pilates Exercise Machine

Rockin Abs

With rockin abs get results in 7 days guaranteed! Its your turn to have rocking hot abs.

Sizzling hot abdominals in just minutes a day!
Pinpoint isolation technology
Focused energy for upper, middle and lower abs
Coverts into the perfect pilots machine!

The rockin abs is easy to use and comfortable. Easy to handle and adjust! Pin-point technology for great results!

Rockin abs crunch is easy on your body, but more importantly it provides everyone the opportunity to do advanced moves like the rockin abs double crunch, jackknife and oblique twist. Its your turn to have rocking abs and get a great workout!

Eliminate pain and stress when you exercise!

With the rockin abs there is no more uncomfortable or impossible body positions! Now everyone, no matter what your age or fitness level, can get the ab flattening benefits of advanced abdominal moves like the jack knife, Rockin’ Abs double crunch and oblique twist.

You can feel and look great after using the rocking abs exercise equipment. It’s a 2-in-1 machine!

ROCKIN’ ABS® also converts into the perfect pilates machine. Lengthen and flatten your muscles for that long, lean dancers body without the pain or strain all in the comfort of your own home.

Advanced Technology

Pinpoint Isolation Technology is the ROCKIN’ ABS secret. Unlike traditional crunches, ROCKIN’ ABS lifts you off the floor comfortably supporting you from head to toe into the perfect ab training form.


Rockin Abs (currently unavailable)




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